

The following people and organisations kindly provided the images and information listed against their names, or material has been sourced from their websites. My sincere thanks for their generosity:

Gerry Chester for generously sharing his wealth of First World War North Irish Horse material.

Nick Metcalfe's Blacker's Boys is an excellent and most comprehensive history of the 9th Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers, including during the period from September 1917 when they were the 9th (North Irish Horse) Battalion, Royal Irish Fusiliers. It includes a number of images of and biographical information on North Irish Horsemen, some of which are reproduced on this site.

Hugh Vaugh, for his helpful advice, and for photographing all of the North Irish Horse diaries held in the National Archives in Kew. The unit diary transcriptions provided on this site would not have been possible without his assistance.

Doug Vaugh's South Irish Horse website has also been a valuable guide.

Robert Thompson's Heroes series of books were a source of valuable information about a number of North Irish Horsemen, including images of Lieutenant Greer, 2nd Lieutenant MacLean and Privates Riddell, Blair and Thomson.

The Public Records Office of Northern Ireland for agreeing that I reproduce the following images from their collection: D/1422/B/10/2-7, D/1482/1-6, D/1482/9-10, D/1482/12, D/1977/1-2, D/1977/16.

David Dodds - a wonderful collection of images of North Irish Horseman George Dodds and those with whom he served.

Nigel Henderson, Researcher at History Hub Ulster - press clippings of Major Massereene & Ferrard (two), Captains D. McCausland, R. Sterling, E. Sinton and J.E. Pittaway, Lieutenant and Quartermaster F.W.J. Scammell, Lieutenants R.J. Herron, A.F. Ingram, R.C. Russell and R.A.B. Henry, 2nd Lieutenants J.W. McVicker, R.H. Andrews, R.J. McCullough, J.S.K. Hunter, J.T. Smith, S.S. Hunter, H.P. Nixon, E.M. Meredith and T.J. Savage, RSM W.A. Sewell, Warrant Officer William Loughran, Farrier Quartermaster Sergeant J. Mooney, Farrier Sergeant A. Kennedy, Sergeants R.B. Dickson, J. Montford, W. Brown, J. Foster and T. Jamison MM, Lance Sergeant G.A Henry MM, Corporals G.C. Marsden, Brennan, W. Stevenson, R. Kinnear, J.S. Bailey MM, E. Buchanan, J. Cunning, W. Scott, Albert Brunsdon, James Leyburn and John Leyburn, T. Foster, F. Lindsay, E. Deane, R. Storey and John Wright, Lance Corporals S. Houston, I.B. McDowell, W. Govan, D. Connolly, S.L. Turner, W.J. Hutchinson, J.T. Lockhart and W.A. Kelly, Signaller A. McKenzie Riflemen T. McKillop, T. Hall and E.A. Stevenson, and Privates W. Freeland, R. Macauley W.T. Roulston, T.J. Marshall, G. Richardson, G.A. Brown, W.J. McAuley, J. Magill, W.J. Finlay, W. Blakes, J. Scott, H. Higgins, T. Wright, G. Stewart, J. McFetridge, F. McConnell, T.F. Owens, W.J. Hughan, H. McKimmon, H.F. Murphy, C. Woodside, R.G.D. Montgomery, H. Simms, T. Foreman, G.M. Shannon, James Smiton, Robert Thomson, David Law, Clarence Wilson, Thomas Angus, Joseph Gibson, N. Harvey, R.T. Birnie, A. McLellan, R. Jamison, A. Morrison, S.H. Moir, J. Close, C. Arnold, R. Watson, H. Brennan, J. Nesbitt, G.T. Murray, R.W. Nesbitt, W.J. Matchett, A. and C. Dundee, W. Watt, G. McFadden, H. Mercer, F.J. Colquhoun, W.J. Petty, W. Beattie, C. Bell, J. McArow, G. Harris, John Adair, James Adair, S. Reid, J. Majury, E. Berwitz, T. Lyons, S. Cosgrove, C. Brewer, J. Rainey, J. Mitchell, A. Kerr, G. Gill, G. McLorn, J. Sleator, J.A. Laughlin, R. Ross, C. Elder and C.D. Turner, and group photos 'A camp fire in Belgium', 'Chums at the front', 'A Military Family', 'On guard in France', 'Corry and Wilton in Egypt' and 'Four Belfast chums'; press clippings from the Mourne Observer of 1 July 1966; a photograph of the Belfast City Hall WWI memorial window; a photo of the Mark family memorial from the Ballymena New Cemetery; a photo of the Knock Golf Club Roll of Honour.

Steve Rogers, Project Co-ordinator of the The War Graves Photographic Project - images of the Derriaghy (Christ Church) Church of Ireland Churchyard, Belfast City Cemetery, Epsom Cemetery, Drumcor Catholic Churchyard, Deir-el-Belah War Cemetery, Rawalpindi War Cemetery, Tincourt New British Cemetery, Ypres (Menin Gate) Memorial, Cambrai Memorial, Mont Huon Military Cemetery, Longuenesse (St. Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, Sanderstead (All Saints) Churchyard, Ypres Town Cemetery, Loos Memorial, Lijssenthoek Military Cemetery, St Vaast Post Military Cemetery, La Ferté-sous-Jouarre Memorial, Tyne Cot Cemetery, Eglish (Drumsallen) Church of Ireland Churchyard and Memorial, and the graves or memorials of Captains McCausland and Mulholland, Lieutenants Combe, Russell, McNeill, Macready and Greer, 2nd Lieutenants McVicker, Weston, Hunter, Linden, Nixon, Wise and MacLean, CQMS John Henry Shaw, Corporals Adams, McCormick and Buchanan, Lance Corporals Graham, Hanna and W.J. Reid, Riflemen A. Johnston, Knox, C.A. Morrison and O'Hara, Driver Callanan, Gunner W.H. Roberts, Stoker A.E. Roberts, and Privates J. Allen, R. Evans, W. Kennedy, D. Cameron, M. Haggan, T. Joughin, B. Thompson, Montgomery, McCready, Martin, McDaniel, Morrow, Moore, H. Scott, Beattie, Moore, Gillespie, Montgomery, Boyle, Waller, Kearney, Donnelly, Hillocks, Harper, Talbot, G. Morrison, A. Holland, R. Heathwood and Smyth.

Pierre Vandervelden - images of Dadizeele New British Cemetery, Forest Communal Cemetery, Harlebeke New British Cemetery, Hinges Military Cemetery, Le Capelle-en-Thierache Communal Cemetery, Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, Mendinghem Military Cemetery, Queens Cemetery, Templeux-le-Guerard British Cemetery, Villers Station Cemetery, Vlamertinghe New Military Cemetery, Warcoing Churchyard, Wulverghem-Lindenhoek Road Military Cemetery, and the gravestone of Private Murray. See his website at

Richard Evans - images of Arneke British Cemetery, Etaples Military Cemetery, Fins New British Cemetery, Ovillers Military Cemetery, Queens Cemetery, Harlebeke New British Cemetery, St Aubert British Cemetery, Gwalia Cemetery, Sailly-Saillisel British Cemetery and Templeux-le-Guerard British Cemetery; and the graves of Sergeant W.G.W. Irwin, Lance Corporals Bradley and Leckey, Privates Kelly, Stuart and Murray, Riflemen Gibson and Nixon. Some of these are from his website Nelson, Glamorgan and the Great War; others he was kind enough to take for me on trips to France and Belgium.

Pieter van Elteren - images of Croisilles British Cemetery, Loos Memorial and Dud Corner Cemetery, Hautmont Communal Cemetery, Hazebrouck Communal Cemetery, Hinges Military Cemetery, Longuenesse (St Omer) Souvenir Cemetery, Templeux-le-Guerard British Cemetery and Villers Station Cemetery, from his website traces of a war

Mick McCann - images of the graves of Lieutenant Shields, 2nd Lieutenants Meredith and Warner, Corporal Ritchie, Private James Watt and Sapper Nesbitt, through his British War Graves website.

Bracken Anderson - images of a mounted North Irish Horseman, a pre-war North Irish Horse Lieutenant, Lieutenant T.F. Cooke, Saddler Thomas Graham, Major E.C Herdman, a North Irish Horse cyclist, a Horseman in tropical uniform, North of Ireland Imperial Yeomanry officers in 1904 and 1905, a troop of the NIIY, a horse boss, side cap and shoulder chain, Private Jack Warnock, RSM, W.A. Sewell, H Squadron, winners of the Ashley Cup, the Strabane Troop of B Squadron of the North of Ireland Imperial Yeomanry, Private R H Sterling, Private John Cully, and a sergeant-major of the North of Ireland Imperial Yeomanry.

Mrs Dorothy Harcourt - pictures of some of her family, the Dundee brothers, who served with the North Irish Horse in the First World War.

Len Kinley - three pictures from his fascinating Down Memory Lane website

Pat Gore - a picture of his uncle, Private James Wilson.

Niall Mac Fhionnghaile's Donegal, Ireland and the First World War, 1987, includes some useful photographs of and interviews with North Irish Horsemen from Donegal.

Olive Nelson - a number of photographs and letters from her Grandfather, Sergeant William (Willie) Lockhart of the North Irish Horse and Royal Irish Fusiliers.

John Adams - a letter home from Sergeant William Lockhart, a prisoner of war, from his website Letters from the Front: My Grandfather’s Letters 1915-1918

Jerry Murland - recollections of George Dixon of C Squadron, Northamptonshire Yeomanry, and a picture of Captain Murland.

Simon Godly - images of Vis-en-Artois Memorial and Cemetery, Croisilles British Cemetery, Avesnes-le-Comte Communal Cemetery Extension, Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension, Villers Station Cemetery and the graves of Captain Sinton, Sergeant Wylie, and Privates McVea, Roberts and Kearney, via his First World War website at

Patrick John Quinn - image of Terlincthun British Cemetery.

Kieran Campbell - images of Ballybay First Presbyterian Church, St Patrick's Church Drumcor, and the graves of Privates Mills, Sheridan and Shiels.

Brian Shaw - image of Annahilt Presbyterian Churchyard.

Mark Thompson - image of Poperinghe New Military Cemetery.

Elizabeth Santillana Luna - image of the stained glass window in Belfast City Hall.

Peter Mattock - image of Vis-en-Artois Memorial and Cemetery.

Andy Bailey - image of Bailleul Communal Cemetery Extension.

David Spender - images of Netley Military Cemetery.

Raymond Okonski - an image of Drumcree Church of Ireland.

Mary ('Calypso Orchid') via Flickr - image of Haringhe Bandaghem Military Cemetery.

Ben Hatherell - images of Grevillers British Cemetery.

The Reverend David Humphries - images of Shawbury (St Mary's) Churchyard, and the grave of Captain Saunderson.

Faisal Jamil - images of Rawalpindi War Cemetery.

Jo Michell - images of Beirut War Cemetery.

Wolfgang Paland - images of Niederzwehren Cemetery, and the grave of Lieutenant Dennistoun.

Helen Romberg - image of Alexandria (Hadra) War Memorial Cemetery.

Fouad Otaki - image of Damascus Commonwealth War Cemetery.

James McCauley - image of his uncle William Holmes.

David Stevenson - extracts from the book The Story of a Banner: Waringstown during World War 1, by Leslie Elliott and David Stevenson.

Mark Ramsey - image related to Lance Corporal Leckey.

Robert Lindsay - images of Belfast (Dundonald) Cemetery.

Dianne Prior - image of Private William Lipsett.

David Meikle - images of Hamilton (Bent) Cemetery.

Phil Watson - images of the graves of Lieutenant Kellock and 2nd Lieutenant Knox.

Des Blackadder - image of Frederick Skillen from his website Ballymena in the Great War.

Martin Harvey - image of the grave of Private Wright.

Avalon Eastman - image of the grave of Private Galbraith.

ponte fractus - images of the graves of Lance Sergeant Henry and Privates Adair and Murphy.

Peter Bennett - image of the grave of Lance Corporal Hill.

Paul Magill - images of Private Charles Magill and his family.

Sam Trotter - image of Private Sampson Trotter and associated documents.

Jim Crabtree - two pre-war North Irish Horse group photographs, including his grandfather Houston Graham.

John Pinkerton - images of the medal and cap badge group of Private George Stewart.

Frank McLernon - six excellent images of North Irish Horsemen.

Mrs Melva White - image of Private David Hunter Bond.

Anne Magarey - images of her father, Lieutenant Bryant Charles Hamilton.

Joan Collings - images of her father, 2nd Lieutenant Raymond Green.

James Buchanan - some wonderful images of his father, 2nd Lieutenant William Buchanan.

James M Rankin - an image of No.2 Troop at Antrim.

Colleen Kent - two images of Private John Nesbitt Kerr.

Kev Sturdy - an image of Private Thomas Ross and Lance Corporal William McCalmont.

Karen Clark - an image of Private William Andrew Bamford.

Mrs Sarah Angel of Kilcock, Co Kildare, via Barrie H Bertram - an image of Captain R.A.B. Henry.

James Witchell - images of his Grandfather, 2nd Lieutenant Robert Noel Anderson.

Mike Garnett - images of his uncle Private Albert Garnett.

Adele Cosgrove - images of her Grandfather Private Samuel Black.

David Hawthorne from Lisburn, Northern Ireland - four pictures of his Grandfather Private James McKee.

Jon Marshall - images of the medals and badges of Private William Lipsett.

Bill Thomas - an image of his grandfather Lieutenant John Hutton Grigg.

North Irish Horse Regimental Association - images of Privates Matthew Jackson and Maurice Wheelhouse and a number of others from their site. See

Descendants of Richard Toomath - image of Private Davis Toomath. See

Dennis Coltart - an image of Private William Coltart.

University of Edinburgh - an image of Lieutenant Wise.

Allan Scanlon - an image of his grand-uncle Lance Corporal Frederick Scanlon.

Peter Brown - images related to Lieutenant J.K.M Greer.

David Ronaldson - images of his father Lance Corporal Victor Ronaldson.

Shaun Matthews - image of his grandfather E.G. Matthews.

Gavin Bamford - images of Lieutenants James Crawford Stewart, Charles Vesey Purdon, T.J.E. Forde, Herbert John Blythe, 2nd Lieutenants Walter Gamble Hamilton, Archibald McSparron, Sergeant Thomas Pyper, Corporal William Percival Cowan, Lance Corporals John Thomas Lockhart, James Alexander and Herbert Eakin, and Privates Cyril William Taylor, Joseph Aloysius McSweeney, William Harris Boyd, Albert Brice Galway, John Andrew McNutt, William Millikin, John Alexander Ross and Robert Bagshaw.  See his site honouring the officials of the Northern Bank and Belfast Bank who served during the two World Wars and in more recent conflicts.

Caroline Bone, Alumni & Information Officer at Monkton Combe School, Bath - images of Leslie Ion Stuart and Richard Annesley West.

Sean O'Connor and Mrs Elizabeth Hardinge - image of Leslie Ion Stuart.

Penny Otto and Jill McLaren - an image of the Kellock and Grigg brothers.

Peter Wise and Lancelot E.D. Wise - two images of Lieutenant Lancelot Wise and an image of his burial site.

Tessa Grigg - image of Lieutenant Gilbert Grigg.

Kenny Cromie - images of Sergeant James Coburn.

Northern Ireland's Footballing Greats - image of Private Harry Mercer.

Anita Forsyth-Forrest - images of Captain Richard Reginald Smart and Lieutenant Phillip Maurice Forsyth-Forrest.

David Ralli and Peter Stewart-Richardson - an image of Lieut-Colonel N.G. Stewart-Richardson.

Eileen Hinken and Peter Mulvany - an image of Rifleman James Templeton.

Anne Cosgrove - image of John McGuigan.

Richard Gerring - image of his grandfather Alfred Raymond Vaughan.

Jill Truesdale - image of Private Albert Aiken.

Chris Bown - image of Lieutenant C.A.J. Oecken.

Kenneth Allen - image of Manorcunningham (Errity) Churchyard.

Tom Leader - image of his grandfather, Captain Thomas Henry Mowbray Leader.

Friends of the Somme - Mid Ulster Branch - images of Hubert McManus, Lance Sergeant George Adams Henry, Lance Corporal James Davis, and Privates Alexander Martin, Matthew Hagan, William Jordan, Thomas Alexander McReynolds, Thomas William Collins, Hiram Irwin and James Booth Marks. See, and

thardy1 via Flickr - image of a squadron of the North Irish Horse on parade 1912-13.

Frank Young - image of his father 2nd Lieutenant James Bailey Young, and a letter sent to his mother.

The National Trust - portraits of Lieutenant-Colonel Cole and Major R.W.H. O'Neill.

Lisbellaw WW1 Commemorative Project - image of Sergeant R.A. Wylie.

South Dublin Library Service - images of Lieutenant Colonel R.A. West, Lieutenants J.K.M. Greer and W. Shields and 2nd Lieutenants J.S.K. Hunter, R.H. Andrews, W.L. Harcourt, Archibald Moore and R.V. Lyons.

Patrick Fitzgerald - images of Private Johnston Kyle.

National Portrait Gallery - photographs of the third Duke of Abercorn, 9th Earl of Shaftesbury, 6th Marquess Conyngham and Edward Charles Thompson.

Dave Dykes - image of 2nd Lieutenant George Herbert Farley.

Richard Stewart - an image of Hamilton Stewart as a Scots Grey, and his medals.

Vic Boyd - images realted to Albert Dunseith.

Mark Armstrong and Rosalind Mulholland - image of Captain J.R.B. Armstrong.

Geoffrey Boyd - image of his grandfather Humphrey Boyd.

Ian McConaghy - image of Andrew L. Colquhoun.

Brian Walker - image of Private David Toomath.

Steve Williams - image of Private John Berry.

Mrs Eileen O'Neill - image of Private Herbert Jones.

Pearl Jardine - image of Private Thomas Clarke.

Dick Cunning - images of James Cunning.

Harry Hume - image of Farrier David Kelly.

William Gordon - Images of 2nd Lieutenant Samuel McCullagh Linden, Warrant Officer Robert Matchett, Sergeant W. Walker, Corporal T.J. McCormick, Privates Emmanuel Berwitz, Henry Booth and William Mills, a number of unidentified North Irish Horsemen, a group of wounded men, William Hillocks' death plaque, a North Irish Horse dining set, a medical armband, a trench map a side-cap, and medals of Major E.C. Herdman, Captain E. King-King, Private William Morrow and Rifleman John Smith.

The Belfast Metropolitan College - 2nd Lieutenants R.V. Lyons, W.G. Lindsay and J.A. French, and Privates W.B. Simonton and G. McLorn.

The Commonwealth War Graves Commission - various cemetery plans. An image of the gravesite of Private George Killough.

Redvers via Flickr - image of Ploegsteert Memorial.

Denise Botting - image of Private John Beggie.

Citizens Online - pre-war image of a troop of North Irish Horsemen.

Simon McVeigh - images of his grandfather Trumpeter Thomas Owen McVeigh.

The Imperial War Museum - footage of the South Irish Horse, a sketch of a South Irish Horseman by William Orpen, and images of Captains E.A. De La Rue and J.C.G. Kirkpatrick, and Lieutenants Donald O'Neill Hodson and Lancelot Wise.

Uppingham School Archive - image of J.C.G. Kirkpatrick.

Kyle Lerfald - an image of Shoeing Smith Robert Lowry, and two images of unidentified North Irish Horsemen.

Tipperary Star - image of Major A.M. Rotheram.

Peter Neill - images of Lieut-Colonel R.D. Perceval-Maxwell, from his website

Paul Remy, Le Maire Adjoint of Seraucourt le Grand - images of the gravestones of two unidentified North Irish Horsemen in Seraucourt le Grand British Cemetery.

Alexander Caldwell - image of Private Samuel Burnside.

Patrick Rotheram - images of Major Auston Morgan Rotheram.

Nigel Macauley - image of Private J.M. Macauley.

Glucksman Library, University of Limerick - image of Lieutenant-Colonel Eustace Addison Maude.

Mark Pollock - image of 2nd Lieutenant John Sydney Copeland.

Ruth Allister - image of Private Thomas Foreman as a prisoner of war.

The British Empire website - image of Major V.G. Whitla.

Roy Suitters - image of 2nd Lieutenant Henry James Armstrong.

Adam Markham - an image of Captain Charles Norman.

Ivan Minnis - an image of Private Robert Beckett.

Combined Irish Regiments Association - image of Rifleman Edward Lennox, from their website.

Keith Richmond - images of Private William John Richmond.

Fiona Wright - image of John Balfour.

Richard Wallace - images of 2nd Lieutenant Samuel Fulton McCreary.

8055Bell via the Great War Forum - an image of the memorial to Private Frederick McConnell.

Hilary Goble - image of the gravestone of Captain W.K. McMullen.

Katy de la Rivière, Archivist of the Sedbergh School - image of Lieutenant George Bramato Brown.

Christine Latimer - image of her paternal Grandfather Sergeant David Hanley.

David Storey - images of Private Albert Ryan.

Anne Kearney Farrelly - image of Captain Thomas Henry Sherlock.

Paul Stevens, Repton School - image of Lieutenant Charles Murray Cramsie.

Marilyn Bradley - image of Lance Corporal Roland Bradley as a child.

Jonathan Maguire of the Royal Irish Fusiliers Museum - image of Private Thomas Watson and images of five unidentified Horsemen.

Edwin Knox - images of his Grandfather William James Knox and Great Uncles Frederick and Thompson Knox.

Irish War Memorials website - Drumkeeran Church and Portora Royal School war memorials.

Major Julian Thirkill - image of Private David McCormick.

Dawn Corken - images of Lance Corporal William O'Prey and his cousin John O'Prey.

Denis Thornton - image of Private William (or Matthew) Woods.

Frank Edward Brooks and Debs Stone - images of Private Edward Frank Brooks.

John Gray - image of Corporal Albert Edward Brunsdon.

Ian Stewart - image of Sergeant Richard Stewart.

Catherine Anne Robertson - images of Corporal Francis George Kidd.

Imperial War Museum's Lives of the First World War project, contributor Michael Christie - image of Private William Samuel Hamilton.

Neil Stewart - images of his grandfather John Cromie Patterson Stewart and grand uncles Robert Cromie Stewart and Hugh Joseph Lowry Stewart.

John Carlisle - images of Private Frederick Carlisle.

Ray Marshall - images of Thomas James Marshall.

Jeff McMaster - images of Sergeant John Alexander McMaster.

Laurence Galbraith - images of Private George Galbraith.

Practical 'Lest We Forget' facebook page - image of the memorial of Harold Percival Nixon.

Liam Keane - image of Lance Corporal George Carberry.

Kevin Clancy - image of John William Clancy.

Gary McClatchey - image of Milton Boyle's Victory Medal.

Martine (via the GWF site) - gravestone image from the Bouchoir New British Cemetery.

Remembering the Fallen website - images of the Bouchoir New British Cemetery.

Gordon Finlay - images of Stafford Woods O'Neill and his brother William.

Colene McBride - image of James McBride.

Lindsay Hamill - image of James Wray.

The Auxiliary Division of the Royal Irish Constabulary - information about the former North Irish Horsemen who served in this unit.

Caroline Dobbin - images of William Andrew McClinton, Samuel McClinton and John Harris McClinton.

Charles Brennan - images of Alexander Doveton John Brennan.

Karen Ely - image of Private John Smith.

Margaret Kaspar - image of William Herbert Moisley.

Olive Finlay - image of George Bailie.

Colin Gilbert - image of James Rainey.

Tina Mulholland Tinsley - images of Robert Lavery McCullough.

Rosemary Brooks and Louise Brooks - images of Private James Majury, his discharge certificate and postcards.

Jonathan Maguire, Researcher at the Royal Irish Fusiliers Museum, Armagh - image of medals and shooting awards of John Simpson Milligan.

Gareth Phares - image of Hugh McMillan Alexander.

Ann Cahillane - pre-war image of a Horseman in walking-out uniform.

Carol Kosy - images of Thomas Majury.

Paul von McKeown - image of John St Claire Clarke.

Mark Henry - image of Joseph Henry.

Ruth McCracken - image of David James Johnston.

Terry Denham - image of the burial site of Alfred Johnston Bagnall.

John Brown - image of John Henry McCullagh.

Joe Breen - gravestone image of Private William Johnston.

Cecil Magovern - image of the memorial plaque of Samuel Magovern.

Linda Ball - images of her grandfather Louis Ball.

Robert Brennan - image of Robert Wells.

Danielle Lobban - images of Ernest Webb.

Martin White (via Nigel Henderson) - image of the gravestone of Samuel Cosgrove.

Gareth Browne - image of George Alexander Browne and two other Horsemen.

David Hood - images of his grandfather Samuel Victor Hood.

Tommy McClimonds - images related to William John Craig, Joseph Close, Thomas Chambers and William Chambers, and information on other North Irish Horsemen.

Lindsay Grant - image of his grandfather Thomas Jamison.

Sarah Swinscoe - image of the regiment at its annual camp in 1909.

Louise Fountain - image of William Frederick Jackson.

Debbie Snowden Gianotti - image of Richard Alexander Wallace.

Peter Irwin - images of his grandfather John Irwin.

Diana Annett - image of Private James Greene.

Ann Burke-Molloy - images of Robert Burke.

Kevin Widdick - image of a memorial plaque to Herbert Charles Pallant.

Margaret Purvis - image of her great-uncle Richard Moore.

Hannah McQuillan - image of Patrick McCloskey.

Jean Pierre Taverne - images of the graffiti carvings of Frank McMahon on the church of St Quentin in St Hilaire-Cottes.

Charlotte Murtagh - image of Samuel Ritchie and of the Clogh Church's Roll of Honour.

Michael Nugent - image of Wilfred Lawrence Reavie.

John Gray - images of the Carrickfergus War Memorial.

Wallace Gibson - image of Robert Campbell.

Graham Skillen - images of his father William Graham Rutherford Skillen and a group of Horseman at the Antrim Depot, together with information on these and Captain Frederick Rutherford Skillen.

Robert Mitchell - image of the memorial to the Bryson brothers in Newtowngore Hall.

Patrick Carey - images of Herbert Shelton Dean.