Private William Murray


Little is known of the background of this man at present.

The Presbyterian Church in Ireland's Roll of Honour records him as living at 8 Drew Street, Belfast, and worshipping in the Donegall Road Congregation. The 1918 Belfast Directory shows a Mrs Jane Murray living at 8 Drew Street, probably his mother or wife.

The following letter was published in the newspaper Ireland's Saturday Night on 14 April 1917:

No. 2 Troop, 6th S.S. Innis. Dragoons.

Dear Franc – A few Belfast boys serving with the Dragoons would like some kind reader to send us an old melodeon to pass away our spare time. – Yours, etc., Lance-Corporal J. GIBSON, Troopers H. VANCE, R. H. LOGAN, W. MURRAY, W. WALLACE, J. ESLER, W.T. CARSON

(Please forward to Trooper Harry Vance, Castle Barracks, Enniskillen, Co. Fermanagh).

From this it can be concluded that Murray enlisted in the 6th (Inniskilling) Dragoons Service Squadron between September 1914 and April 1917 (probably closer to the latter date).

He would have trained at the squadron's reserve base at Enniskillen, remaining there until discharged in the months following the end of the war in November 1918.


This page last updated 20 August 2023.